Hey yogis!
Over the last few months a few friends of mine have taken it upon themselves to do a 30-classes in 30-days sort of yoga challenge. I have always been intrigued and a little in awe over their incredible dedication but I never chose to partake in one myself. Part of my concern for "30 classes in 30 days" doesn't account for my physical and emotional time needed to chill after a particularly strong practice or even just the plan lazies, when going out of the house seems more monumental than one could bear. Because let's face it, we're all human, there are some days that all you want to do is sit on the couch and watch a Law and Order: SVU marathon... or is that just me? So here is my twist on this little experiment: what if it's not a class every day but a practice every day for the entire month of August? I know what you are thinking - you are a yoga teacher... don't you practice everyday already? And for me, the answer is a bit in the gray area between yes and no. Yes, yoga is on my mind every single day. There is a point during my day that I am thoughtful about my breath (pranayama), and some sort of physical (asana) practice comes out whether I mean for it to or not. That all being said, for the sake of this "challenge" I am going to turn things up a notch.
So starting tomorrow, August 1st, I will start this experiment and document it along the way - check back often for ideas on how to incorporate yoga into your daily life. In the meantime, feel free to send me any questions, comments or even advice you might have on what you would like to see incorporated into this challenge. With light and love, Kate
Kate HeffernanYoga Teacher based in Boston, MA. Teacher of Yoga Teachers. Committed to teaching anatomical, alignment & action based yoga asana that is rooted in mindfulness, skillfulness, & specificity. Archives
March 2020